






1. 固体氧化物电池技术应用基础研究

2. 过程系统工程方法与应用






针对固体氧化物电池技术(包括燃料电池、电解电池和可逆电池)的应用难点,紧密结合产业需求,从应用场景、系统、单元等多个尺度,围绕高效固体氧化物电池系统部署、设计与集成最优化,开展理论分析、实验与应用研究。主持、参与 11 项旨在提升欧盟固体氧化物电池产业领导力的欧盟第七框架及地平线 2020 项目(项目总经费达到 6500 万欧元),其中主持项目1 项(53 万欧元)、主持课题 4 项、参与 6 项,与欧洲 40 多家相关科研院所、科技公司建立紧密合作,尤其与世界领先的电堆与系统供应商 solidpower、haldor topsøe、sunfire 开展联合技术研发。所主持的欧盟 waste2grids 项目为固体氧化物电池技术大型化发展提供了新思路,成果获欧洲 50 余家媒体重点报道,受邀在欧盟能源总局(dg ener)、欧盟燃料电池与氢能联合行动组(fchju)、欧洲氢能周暨 fchju 进展报告会上做专题报告。以课题负责人参与的 eco 项目被评为 2020 年欧盟 fchju 研究进展成功案例,并被提名为最佳案例。多次受邀在由德国宇航中心、欧洲能源研究联盟、丹麦科技大学、代尔夫特工业大学等组织的学术或产业会议上做专题报告。

截止 2021 年 4 月底,申请人已发表 sci 论文 47 篇(web of science 引用 917次),包括 renew sust energ rev(3 篇)、appl energ(14 篇)、energ convers manage(5 篇)、energy(2 篇)、j phys chem c(2 篇)、j energy storage(1篇)、fuel cells(1 篇)等期刊;其中,第一或通讯作者论文 34 篇(web of science引用 703 次),包括 21 篇 if 大于 7 的文章、3 篇 if 大于 10 的文章。基于在固体氧化物电池系统设计与应用场景研究的一系列成果,申请人受邀任 frontiers in energy research客座编辑(guest editor)组织“固体氧化物电池系统及其应用”的专刊,其后被邀请担任该期刊的评论编辑(review editor);受邀担任由中国电机工程学报与 csee journal of power and energy systems共同征集的“智能电网和能源互联网中的氢能接入”专题的客座编辑;受丹麦科技大学 anke hagen 教授邀请任 2020 年欧洲燃料电池论坛(european fuel cell forum)系统分会(system design & performance & bop)主席。曾获瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学优秀博后、吴仲华优秀学生奖等荣誉。




在读博士:philippe aubin(瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学),刘桦(丹麦科技大学),马帅,李承周

毕业博士:张雨檬(共同指导),张汉飞(意大利比萨大学),megha rao(丹麦科技大学),gabriele loreti(意大利图西亚大学),李永毅,孙杨,李晓恩,姚尔人(西安交通大学),付鹏


毕业硕士:phillip pietsch(德国达姆斯塔特大学,共同指导)



(1) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,826161,waste2grids: converting waste to offer flexible grid balancing services with highly-integrated efficient solid-oxide plants,2019-01至2020-12,53万欧元,已结题,主持

(2) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,731224,balance: increasing penetration of renewable power alternative fuels and grid flexibility by cross-vector electrochemical processes,2016-12至2019-11,285万欧元,已结题,课题主持

(3) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,699892,eco: efficient co-electrolyser for efficient renewable energy storage,2016-05至2019-04,250万欧元,已结题,课题主持

(4) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,826234,waste2watts: unlocking unused bio-waste resources with low cost cleaning and thermal integration with solid oxide fuel cells,2019-01至2020-12,168万欧元,已结题,课题主持

(5) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,815284,blaze: biomass low cost advanced zero emission small-to-medium scale integrated gasifier-fuel cell combined heat and power plant,2019-03至2022-02,425万欧元,在研,课题主持

(6) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,sep-210667815,prometeo: hydrogen production by means of solar heat and power in high temperature solid oxide electrolysers,2021-01至2024-07,250万欧元,在研,参加

(7) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,815284,nautilus: nautical integrated hybrid energy system for long-haul cruise ships,2020-07至2024-07,789万欧元,在研,参加

(8) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,731125,pentagon: unlocking european grid local flexibility trough augmented energy conversion capabilities at district-level,2016-12至2019-11,443万欧元,已结题,参加

(9) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,735692,ch2p: cogeneration of hydrogen and power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas,2017-02至2020-07,686万欧元,已结题,参加

(10) 欧盟委员会,horizon 2020,691797,store&go: innovative large-scale energy storage technologies and power-to-gas concepts after optimisation,2016-03至2020-02,2800万欧元,已结题,参加

(11) 欧盟委员会,欧盟第七框架,621173,sophia: solar integrated pressurized high temperature electrolysis,2014-04至2017-09,330万欧元,已结题,参加




[1] zhang, y., wang, n., tong, x., wang*, l., yang, y. reversible solid-oxide cell stack based power-to-x-to-power systems: economic potential evaluated via plant capital-cost target. (2021) applied energy, 290: 116700. (sci)

[2] zhang, h., wang*, l., van herle, j., maréchal, f., desideri, u. techno-economic comparison of 100% renewable urea production processes. (2021) applied energy. 116401. (sci)

[3] carbone, c., gracceva, f., pierro, n., motola, v., zong, y., you, s., pérez-fortes, m., wang, l., agostini, a.. potential deployment of reversible solid-oxide cell systems to valorise organic waste, balance the power grid and produce renewable methane: a case study in the southern italian peninsula. (2021) frontiers in energy research, 618229. (sci)

[4] zhang, y., wang, n., li, c., pérez-fortes, duan, l., van herle, j., maréchal, f., lin, t., wang*, l., yang, y.. triple-mode grid-balancing plants via biomass gasification and reversible solid-oxide cell stack: economic feasibility evaluation via plant capitalcost target, frontiers in energy research, (2021) accepted. (sci)


[5] wang*, l., zhang, y., pérez-fortes, m., aubin, p., lin, t., yang, y., maréchal, f., van herle, f. reversible solid-oxide cell stack based power-to-x-to-power systems: comparison of thermodynamic performance. (2020) applied energy, 115330. (sci)

[6] zhang, h., wang*, l., van herle, j., maréchal, f., desideri, u. techno-economic evaluation of biomass-to-fuels with solid-oxide electrolyzer. (2020) applied energy, 115113. (sci)

[7] sadok, r., benveniste, g., wang, l., clavreul, j., brunot, a., cren, j., jegoux, m., hagen, a. life cycle assessment of power-to-gas applications via co-electrolysis of co2 and h2o. (2019) journal of physics: energy, 2(2):024006 (13pp). https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7655/ab72dd. (sci)

[8] sun†, s., wang†,*, l., xu, c., maréchal, f., van herle, j., yang, y. enhancing operational flexibility of coal-fired power plants via power-to-hydrogen. (2020) applied energy, 114608. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.114608 (sci)

[9] li, y., zhang, g., wang, l., yang, y. part-load performance analysis of a combined cycle with intermediate recuperated gas turbine. (2020) energy conversion and management, 112346. (sci)

[10] zhang, h., wang*, l., pérez-fortes, m., van herle, j., maréchal, f., & desideri, u. techno-economic optimization of biomass-to-methanol with solid-oxide electrolyzer. (2020) applied energy, 11407. (sci)

[11] zhang, h., wang*, l., van herle, j., maréchal, f., desideri, u. techno-economic comparison of green ammonia production processes. (2020) applied energy, 114135. (sci)

[12] wang*, l., zhang, y., li, c., pérez-fortes, m., lin, t.-e., maréchal, f., van herle, j., yang, y. triple-mode grid-balancing plants via biomass gasification and reversible solid-oxide cell stack: concept and thermodynamic performance. (2020) applied energy, 115987. (sci) (sci)

[13] wang*, l., fu, p., yang, z., lin, t.-e., yang, y., tsatsaronis, g. advanced exergoeconomic evaluation of large-scale coal-fired power plant. (2020) journal of energy engineering, 146:04019032.1-.11. (sci)

[14] ma, s., lin, m., lin, t.-e., lan, t., wang*, l. fuel cell-battery hybrid systems for mobility and off-grid applications: a review. (2020) renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 135. (sci)

[15] lin, y.-t., darvishi, s., preet, a., huang, t.-y., lin, s.-h., girault hh, wang, l., lin, t.. a review: electrochemical biosensors for oral cancer. (2020) chemosensors, 8:54. (sci)

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[17] lin, z., hsu, w.-s., preet, a., yeh, l.-h., lin, chen, y., pao, y., lin, s., lee, s., fan, j., wang, l., chiu, y., yip, b., lin, t.. ingestible polysaccharide battery coupled with a self-charging nanogenerator for controllable disinfection system. nano energy, (2021) 105440. (sci)


[18] zhang, h., wang*, l., maréchal, f., & desideri*, u. techno-economic comparison of green ammonia production processes. (2019). applied energy, 114135. (sci)

[19] wang*, l., fu, p., yang, z., lin, t.-e., yang, y., tsatsaronis, g. advanced exergoeconomic evaluation of large-scale coal-fired power plants. (2019) journal of energy engineering, 146(1): 04019032. (sci)

[20] zhang, y., wang*, l., wang, n., duan, l., zong, y., you, s., ... & yang, y. balancing wind-power fluctuation via onsite storage under uncertainty: power-to-hydrogen-to-power versus lithium battery. (2019). renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 116, 109465. (sci)

[21] zhang, h., wang*, l., maréchal, f., & desideri*, u. techno-economic optimization of co2-to-methanol with solid-oxide electrolyzer. (2019). energies, 12(19), 3742. (sci)

[22] wang*, l., chen, m., küngas, r., lin, t.-e., dielthm, s., maréchal, f.; van herle, j. power-to-fuel systems via solid-oxide electrolyzer: operating window and techno-economics. (2019) renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 110, 174-187. (sci)

[23] wang*, l., rao, m., diethelm, s., lin, t.-e., zhang, h., hagen, a., marechal, m., van herle, j. power-to-methane via co-electrolysis of h2o and co2: the effects of pressurized operation and internal methanation. (2019) applied energy, 250, 1432-1445. (sci)

[24] jeanmonod, g., wang*, l., pérez-fortes, m., diethelm, s., maréchal, f., van herle, j. trade-off designs of power-to-methane systems via solid-oxide electrolyzerand the application to biogas upgrading. (2019) applied energy, 247, 572-581. (sci)

[25] pérez-fortes, m., mian, a., santhanam, s., wang, l., diethelm, s., varkaraki, e., mirabelli, i., makkus, r., schoon, r., maréchal, f., van herle, j., design of a pilot sofc system for the combined production of hydrogen and electricity under refueling station requirements. (2019) fuel cell, doi: 10.1002/fuce.201800200. (sci)

[26] zhao†, k., wang†, l., moioli, e., calizzi, m., züttel, a. identifying reaction species by evolutionary fitting and kinetic analysis: an example of co2 hydrogenation in drifts. (2019) journal of physical chemistry c, 123 (14), 8785–8792. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11105. (sci)

[27] venkataraman, v., pérez-fortes, m., wang, l., hajimolana, y., boigues, c., agostini, a., van herle, j., aravind, pv. solid oxide reversible cell systems for energy and chemical applications. (2019) journal of energy storage, 24, 100782. (sci)

[28] wang*, l., yang, z., sharma, s., mian, a., lin, t., tsatsaronis, g., marechal, f. yang, y. a review of evaluation, optimization and synthesis of energy systems: methodology and applications to thermal power plants. (2019) energies 12 (1), 73. (sci)


[29] wang*, l., düll, j., marechal, f., van herle, j. trade-off designs and comparative exergy evaluation of solid-oxide electrolyzer based power-to-methane plants. (2018) international journal of hydrogen energy, 44 (19), 9529-43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.11.151. (sci)

[30] wang*, l., pérez-fortes, m., madi, h., diethelm, s., van herle, j., maréchal, f. optimal design of solid-oxide electrolyzer based power-to-methane systems: a comprehensive comparison between steam electrolysis and co-electrolysis. (2018) applied energy, 211, 1060-1079. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.11.050 (sci)

[31] li, x., wang, n., wang*, l., yang, y., maréchal, f. identification of optimal operating strategy of direct air-cooling condenser for rankine cycle based power plants. (2018) applied energy, 209, 153-166. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.081 (sci)

[32] zhao, k., wang, l., calizzia, m., moioli, e., züttel, a. in situ control of the adsorption species in co2 hydrogenation: determination of intermediates and byproducts. (2018) journal of physical chemistry c, 122 (36), 20888-20893. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06508 (sci)

[33] baldi, f., wang, l., pérez-fortes, m. and marechal, f. a cogeneration system based on solid oxide and proton exchange membrane fuel cells with hybrid storage for off-grid applications. (2018) frontiers in energy research, 6, p.139. (sci)

[34] huang, s., li, c., tan, t., fu, p., wang*, l. and yang, y. comparative evaluation of integrated waste heat utilization systems for coal-fired power plants based on in-depth boiler-turbine integration and organic rankine cycle. (2018) entropy, 20(2), p.89. doi:10.3390/e20020089 (sci)

[35] li, y., zhang, g., bai, z., song, x., wang, l., yang, y. backpressure adjustable gas turbine combined cycle: a method to improve part-load efficiency. (2018) energy conversion and management, 174, 739-754. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.07.077 (sci)

[36] yang, y.; li, x.; yang, z.; wei, q.; wang, n.; wang*, l. the application of cyber physical system for thermal power plants: data-driven modeling. (2018) energies, 11, 690. doi:10.3390/en11040690 (sci)




